Tuesday, November 25, 2014

7 Signs of Dog Urinary Tract Infections and What You Can Do About Them

Tell me if this describes your dog: Frequent urination, foul smelling urine, blood in the urine, or no urine at all. These are common signs and symptoms of dog urinary tract infections. Dog UTIs can be very dangerous and even life-threatening so it's important that you see a vet immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. Spotting the symptoms and treating them early may make the difference between life and death for your dog so keep an eye out for these 7 signs of urinary tract infection.

1. The first sign of dog urinary problems is a change in normal urinating patterns. For that reason, it's important to know what your dog's normal behavior is. If you notice that your dog is urinating more or less frequently, this could be a sign of urinary tract infection.

2. If your dog stops urinating at all, consider this a red flag. A tumor or blockage due to bladder stones can lead to a cease in urination. This is a very serious symptom that needs to be addressed immediately by a veterinarian.

3. If your dog appears to be in pain while urinating, this is a surefire sign of bladder infection. Dog urinary tract infections can be very bothersome so if you notice your dog cringing in pain while urinating, get help.

4. If there is blood in your dog's urine, you can suspect dog urinary problems. In order to detect whether there are traces of blood in your dog's urine, let your dog urinate on a light colored surface.

5. One of the symptoms of dog urinary tract infections is dehydration. If your dog is acting a lot thirstier than normal, UTI may be the cause. For instance, if it is the middle of the winter and your dog is drinking an unusually large amount of water in spite of not exercising, you can suspect UTI.

6. If you notice your dog constantly licking his genitals, this can also be a possible sign of dog urinary problems. If your dog is crying and sounds like he is in pain while he is licking, an infection is likely to be the cause.

If your dog's abdomen is tender and he seems to have very little energy, you can suspect urinary tract infection. Fever may also be present. These symptoms signify that the infection is in its later stages so take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible to make a correct diagnosis and start treatment.

Now that you know this information, keep it in mind in order to be able to spot the possible signs of urinary tract infection in your dog. Dog urinary tract infections can be silent killers if you aren't observant and don't take note of any changes in your dog's habits or behavior. If you spot any of the early symptoms of urinary problems, try treating them at home through diet, healthy lifestyle, and homeopathic treatment. By doing so, you can stop the infection from progressing and keep it from recurring. Drugs are a good option when a UTI infection is in its late stages but the risk of side effects should be reason alone to consider them a last resort.

Jeremy Fleming is a health enthusiast and has done many years of research on natural remedies as a safe and effective alternative for your pet. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract health at http://www.pet-immune-health.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1679001

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Signs of Dog Arthritis

Signs of dog arthritis vary greatly. First, it is important to be able to recognize and understand the many different signs of arthritis. Some may be more obvious than others. Most owners feel that if their dog is not showing signs of pain, then their dog is not in pain. Not so! Dogs are very good at masking their pain. Very rarely are they vocal like humans. They will exhibit other ways of showing their pain.

Dog Arthritis
If you are concerned that your dog may have arthritis, it is important to consult with your veterinarian and have x-ray taken. X-rays will determine exactly what you are dealing with. Another consideration is to have a tick borne disease test run depending on your geographic area. In the northeast, Lyme disease is often an underlying issue.

Arthritis in dogs is not cut and dry. Symptoms may not be displayed until it is too late. Arthritis involves more than just the joints.

The typical cycle of arthritis goes something like this:

* Your dog starts to show signs of pain while doing regular activities such as getting up, jumping into the car, etc.

* They then start to avoid these activities

* Lack of these activities results in muscle loss

* Loss of muscle results in less support of body weight and more strain on the skeletal system

* The skeletal system (joint pain) was the start of this

* Therefore it is more painful to do the normal day to day activities and more time is spent "laying around"

* More inactivity results in more muscle loss and less support

* Are you following me!

One important factor is to start early on with a good joint supplement that consist of natural anti-inflammatories as well as, chondoprotectants such as glucosamine and chondroitin. It is not uncommon for dogs to display one or more of the following clinical signs:

Top 12 Clinical Signs of Arthritis:

* Slowing Down: Don't mistake it for "just getting older

* Sleeping More/Longer in the morning; Not wanting to get out of bed

* Closed Hind Leg Stance

* Wide Front Leg Stance

* Bunny Hopping

* Joint Licking

* Slow to get up

* Reluctance to go for walks; shorter walks

* Avoiding stairs, jumping on bed/couch or into car

* Stiffness

* Limping

* Muscle Loss (Muscle Atrophy)

Whatever the signs maybe, dog arthritis is not something that should be ignored!

Dr. James St.Clair, is the founder of TopDog Rehabilitation & TopDog Animal Health. He is one of the nations leading experts on arthritis in dogs with regards to prevention and treatment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2928734

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

8 Signs of Dog Illness You Should Recognize

In this pet guide, you will learn 8 signs of dog illness you should recognize. There are many health complications that a dog may experience. If you own a dog, you must be alert to these issues. By learning the symptoms that may indicate a potential health problem, you are taking the steps that are necessary to ensure that your dog gets medical attention when it needs it the most. The symptoms that will be identified in this guide could indicate a problem that can be potentially serious. Now, you will be introduced to the 8 signs of dog illness you should recognize.

Dog old Illness
1. If your dog starts to display signs of weakness, there could be a potentially serious issue going on with their health. You may find that your pet lacks the level of activity that they normally have, or you may find that they appear to have a general sense of lethargy. In addition to the sign of weakness, you are likely to discover that your pet has coordination complications and issues with their balance. If you notice any of these signs of dog illness, it is imperative that you get your pet in to see a veterinarian as soon as possible for immediate medical assistance.

2. The next sign of concern includes a general lack of appetite. In order to appropriately monitor your pet's appetite, you should schedule two to three times daily in which you offer them food. If, on the next feeding, you notice that the bowl still contains quite a bit of food it will help you to see that there may be issues with the appetite.

3. If you find that your pet has an issue with bad breathe, there could be a medical condition that you should be aware of. Bad breathe is also known as a condition called halitosis. This could indicate that there is an issue with the metabolism of the dog, and could even indicate a potential issue in the area of dental.

4. The next reason that you should be concerned is if you notice that your pet is not as active as normal. If your dog was once playful and full of energy, but now lacks that trait, then you should consider taking them for a check up to ensure that a more serious issue is not occurring other than simple age or fatigue.

5. If you notice that your dog is consuming a generous amount of water, especially if the amount is more than usual, you should be concerned. This could indicate a large number of problems that are health related. These complications may include dehydration, diabetes, and even issues with the kidneys.

6. If you notice that your dog is becoming lethargic, you may need to become concerned. Lethargy may indicate a potentially serious condition. You may notice that your pet no longer takes an interest in the things that they once did, or they seem to sleep more than usual.

7. If your pet is not grooming themselves in the same manner that they used to, you should be concerned. You may even notice issues like a dull coat, hair falling out of the coat, and similar issues. If you recognize any of these signs, be sure to seek medical care for your dog.

8. Weight loss is the final sign of the 8 signs of dog illness you should recognize.

As you can see from the information contained here, the 8 signs of dog illness you should recognize can typically be easily identified. If you notice these signs, seek medical attention immediately.

To find out what you need to know about your dogs health [http://HowToBeYourOwnVet.com], learn how to save your dogs life in an emergency and save thousands of dollars in vet bills, visit Gaetane's site and get a FREE dog training guide.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2240347

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dog Illness Diagnosis - What You Don't Know Could Be Killing Your Dog

Has your friendly furball ever had a dog illness diagnosis?

If you have never had to experience this it can be a scary thing, just as if you were diagnosed with an illness.

Fortunately today there are many ways you can prevent dog illnesses and get them the right treatment should they receive a dog illness diagnosis in their lifetime.

Dog Illness Diagnosis
I'll tell you how you can get your free E-Book outlying dog illnesses, their preventions, treatments and cures, but first let me tell you 3 of the most common dog illnesses.

Diagnosis #1 - Canine Arthritis.

  •     Very common illness among aged dogs and certain breeds of dogs.
  •     Similar to human arthritis - dogs joints get inflamed, it is painful, etc.
  •     Treatable with medication and holistic medicines

Diagnosis #2 - Heartworms.

  •     Very Deadly & Painful - One of the deadliest in fact.
  •     Worms infest blood vessels and the heart which can cause death.
  •     Treatable with medications and the parasites can be found easily by a Veterinarian with a blood test.

Diagnosis #3 - Kennel Cough

  •     Upper respiratory infection that can easily be transferred from dog to dog.
  •     Dogs are especially susceptible in close quarters or "kennels" around other dogs. * Though the dog does not necessarily need to be in close quarters to contract it.
  •     Treated with Antibiotics and holistic remedies. - A vaccination is also available.

These are just a few of the many common illnesses that can affect your dog.

If you have not already taken your dog in to see a vet then take your dog to a veterinarian to get a checkup and schedule regular visits. Your dog's health is important for you and your dog to enjoying a happy and long relationship together.

Always seek out the advice of a medical professional if you have specific questions relating to symptoms or if you know your dog is in need of medical attention.

To read more and get your free Dog Illness Diagnosis E-Book just click on the link and visit my blog. The information I give you in your free E-Book is priceless as it may help you save your dog's life one day.

Read it in 20 minutes and possibly save your dog's life!
Just visit the blog today by clicking on the link above.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4729657

Dog Illnesses - Tips On What To Look For

For many of us, when our dogs are ill, it is often quite difficult to know whether or not dogs illnesses warrant a trip to the emergency room for a dog illness diagnosis.

Dog Illnesses
In an emergency, the first thing you should know is where to take your dog. Many veterinarians offer 24 hour emergency service. Please make sure to ask your vet if this is a service offered by their office. If your vet does not offer this service, know where your local veterinary emergency hospital is located.

So how do you know if you are facing an emergency? Most veterinarians will tell you that if the owner feels the dogs illnesses are urgent to please call the closest emergency clinic and speak to a veterinary staff member. They will review the situation and in most cases, have you bring your dog in to be examined. The following are some common emergency situations and ideas for how to manage them.

Stomach Pain

If your dog is showing symptoms of abdominal pain, such as tenderness to the touch, standing with his back arched, or refusing food, you should take him to the closest emergency clinic immediately for a dog illness diagnosis. Other signs of abdominal distress can include vomiting, crying, shaking and difficulty breathing. These may be signs of Gastric Torsion. This state can come on suddenly and in most cases affects large, deep chested dogs, but any dog can be stricken. This condition must be treated as early as possible. There are other conditions associated with abdominal pain such as constipation, kidney or liver disease, or even a common stomach ache, but it is imperative to have tests done to rule out any other serious problems.

How To Stop Bleeding Injuries

If your dog gets a cut, you should apply direct pressure with a clean dry bandage to the gash. The bleeding should stop within ten minutes, after which time, you should make an appointment to see your vet as soon as possible. The vet can only give your dog stitches within a small opportunity of time. However, if the bleeding does not stop within twenty minutes or the bleeding is from the chest, you should take your dog to the emergency clinic immediately.

What To Do When Bones Are Broken

If your dog has been in an accident where you suspect shattered bones, first call your regular vet to see if you can get an appointment soon. If not, take your dog to the emergency clinic. They will need to take x-rays to determine whether or not bones have been soon.

Gasping For Air

If your dog is having breathing problems, take him to the closest emergency office immediately. There are many reasons why your dog could be having breathing problems and many of them are serious.

What To Do When A Car Hits Your Dog

If your dog is hit by a automobile, it is important to take him to the closest emergency office immediately. Even if he is acting normal, he may have internal injuries that need to be taken care of urgently. Wrap your dog in a blanket to help prevent shock, and keep away from his mouth, as many dogs that are hurt will bite (even if they never have before).

Continuous Convulsions

If your dog has a minor spasm or two, it is a serious problem and you should call your veterinarian at once. However, if your dog has a series of convulsions that last for more than a few minutes, you should place a blanket over your dog, keep away from his mouth and get him to the nearest emergency clinic immediately. There are several reasons why your dog could be having convulsions, including epilepsy, metabolic problems, brain tumors, and poisoning. Fits of seizures are considered to be life threatening in many cases.

For any dogs illnesses, if the you feel that your dog should be seen by a veterinarian, phone his office to see how soon you can get in for a dog illness diagnosis. Many veterinarians have assistants available to assess the dogs health problem situation and answer questions to help you determine the seriousness of your dogs condition. If your regular veterinarian is not available, or if you feel that it is an emergency, the best thing to do, if at all possible, is to call the emergency office, tell them what is going on, and that you are on the way. This helps the staff prepare for your emergency in advance so the veterinary team is ready to work on your dog when you get there. If you have further questions on what kinds of symptoms are emergency situations, please ask your veterinarian.

For more about dogs, visit Dog Illnesses [http://www.new-pup.com]. Also check out Diet For Dogs [http://www.absolutenaturalhealth.com]. For Ron's website, visit Guide To Dog Illnesses - Articles [http://www.ronxking.com/].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/960090

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dogs Liver Disease - Facts and Fixes

Dog Ailments - Dogs Liver Disease

As in humans, the liver is an extremely important organ. If the dogs liver is not healthy, the chances of having a healthy and long life are certainly under threat. The liver is a multi function organ. Conversion of nutrients is done by the liver. The liver stores vitamins and minerals. The liver removes toxins from the dog's blood. Dogs liver disease can lead to inflammation. If this is not treated your dog could develop scars on his liver which will reduce the amount of healthy dogs liver tissue. Less liver tissue means partial loss of functionality. Other diseases within the dog's body can also lead to dogs liver disorders.

Dogs Liver Disease - does my dog have it?

Dogs Liver Disease
Signs of this type of dog ailments can sometimes be misleading. Dog health symptoms are common amongst many different dog ailments. You need to get a professional opinion if you suspect dogs liver disease. Rather safe than sorry. Here are some of the signs.

    Your pup is not eating well
    Your pup is losing weight
    Your furry friend is bringing up or has a runny tummy
    Your dog is looking run down, no lust for life and listless.
    Your pups energy levels are low

As you can see dog health symptoms are not very specific. Your pup could well have worms if losing weight. Check his poop for signs of worms in this case. You need to observe your dog's condition as a whole when trying to diagnose dogs liver disease.

Dogs Liver Disease, the causes!

There are many contributing factors to possible dogs liver disorders. Some you can prevent. Some you just have to accept. The age of your dog can play a role on liver health. Once your dog has reached his 10 human year birthday, he may be more prone to liver conditions. Remember your dog is 70 years old in his years. Like us humans, by the time you are 70, your liver has taken quite a beating. We all age, dogs and humans alike. The best we can do is try and provide the best possible nutrition. Try and avoid unnecessary toxins or chemicals.

Again the blood lines play a role with this dog ailment. Some breeds are just more prone to dogs liver disease than others. Breeds such as certain Terriers and Cocker Spaniels show a greater likelihood of developing liver issues.

Dogs Liver Disease, what can be done!

Professional advice is required if your dogs liver is diseased. It is not all doom and gloom though. The liver is a pretty amazing organ and will regenerate under the right conditions. A major contributor here is the pups diet. Your vet will advise what route to take here. Different breeds and size of dogs may require specific dietary needs. This is the key to helping the liver to rebuild lost tissue. It is a long term fix but one that can be achieved and need not be terminal.

As always the same old rule applies, "junk in, junk out", I am referring to dog food here. The key here is to educate yourself about all aspects of your best friends well being. Read the dog food labels and make informed choices. It's not always the most expensive food that is the best. You do not need to buy expensive food, just buy quality food and start from day 1 with your new puppy. There is tons of literature out there to empower yourself with. Once you know, you can make informed decisions about dog food and life.

Hi, my names Derek and I am a Dog Lover and Enthusiast. Why don't you join me in my quest for knowledge about "man's best friend" at my website packed with Dog Health and Training Advice [http://www.besthappydog.com/] where I share my insights as well as many experts advice.

I also recommend joining my regular and current newsletter, receive a free book on how to Become the Alpha Dog [http://www.besthappydog.com/how-to-be-the-alpha-dog/], and stop aggressive or bad dog behavior.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5020615